11 Jun 2020 | Cyber Security

Cyber Essentials

Howard Freeman

Howard Freeman

Getting protected with Cyber Essentials

Businesses are at risk of being hacked by cyber criminals.  In fact, some statistics indicate that cyber criminals are successful in hacking a business every 19 seconds.

As an SME business, whatever sector you work in, we understand how these figures might worry you. They represent possible harm to your business both now and in the future.

Cyber Crime image
Cyber criminals seek to exploit human or security vulnerabilities in order to steal passwords, data or money directly.

You can get protected from these attacks by gaining Cyber Essentials certification.  This scheme enables you to put in place a cyber security strategy that will safeguard your business from these cyber criminals.

Logos for Cyber Essentials and IASME consortium certification

As a Gold IASME- licenced Cyber Essentials specialist, we can help you to gain this certification. This will enable you to guard against common attacks not just now but in the future too.

By collaborating with you, you’ll be able to successfully complete the Cyber Essentials Verified Self-Assessment to become cyber essentials certified.

A summary of low cost, simple techniques that can improve cyber security within your organisation.
A summary of low cost, simple techniques that can improve cyber security within your organisation. This resource is used under licence

Why getting protected is important to you and your customers

Implementing a Cyber Security strategy not only helps you to demonstrate that you have a clear picture of your organisation’s cyber security level. It provides other benefits too.

In particular, this certification is important if: 

  • Your business is looking to engage or already engages in some Government contracts. Cyber Essentials certification is a requirement.
  • You are a charity and rely on income from finding bodies.  Cyber Essentials certification will give confidence that your processes are robust

Our Approach to helping you get Cyber Essentials Certified

  • We deliver all the tests and assessments
  • We work with you to enable you to successfully complete the assessment

Do you want to protect your business from cyber attacks?

Next step

If so, then it’s time to get a free Cyber Essentials consultation with our team.

Read more about cyber crime and how to prevent these malicious attacks:


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