17 Feb 2020 | GDPR

GDPR Gap Analysis

Howard Freeman

Howard Freeman

A GDPR gap analysis is a method of assessing the differences in performance between a business being complaint or not. This is to determine whether business requirements are being met. If they are not then what steps should be taken to ensure they are met successfully.

In the GDPR world, our gap analysis service delivers the information identifying which specific gaps in your GDPR compliance exist. In turn you need to know what risks to your business these gaps really mean. Therefore, it is vital that you know what the likelihood and impact of these compliance risks are. Such an analysis will tell you need to do to close close any gaps and control your risks.

Here at the GDPR Compliance Consultancy, we deliver a flexible yet tailored GDPR Gap Analysis Services to suit your business. We take time to understand your business and how data is used, processed, stored and flows around and in and out of your business.

Once we understand where gaps may be in your existing people-based, organisational and technological controls, can we act. Therefore once visible, they are now addressable. We will now provide you with clear recommendations to mitigate such risks and in proportion to the threat they pose to your business.

When was the last time you reviewed your GDPR compliance for gaps? A GDPR Gap Analysis should be carried out frequently as your business is constantly changing. New computers and new people can all have an impact on your compliance and data security. New working practices such as working from home also being significant change.

Why not book a GDPR Gap Analysis review call today? We can discuss the changes in your business and provide you with a quotation to close the gaps. You can book the call here.

Alternatively, you can call us on 03333 22 1011.


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