Privacy notices are an important part of your compliance work. Your privacy notice will explain to the audience how data protection principles are applied in your business and how personal data is processed. A privacy notice is published whilst a Privacy Policy is an internal document.

Our Authoring of Privacy Notices has three types:
Privacy Notice (Web Site)
Employee Privacy Notice
Job Applicants Privacy Notice
Privacy Notice for your WebSite
Does your web site should show your privacy notice which will tell potential clients and customers how you will process their data? Does it say what your legal basis for processing is? The notice must also show how your business applies data protection principles. A well written notice will also state how long you will keep the data and what you will and will not do with this data. The policy should also cover the use of cookies.
Privacy notices are a legal requirement. Our Authoring of Privacy Notices service will provide a notice written for you and will relate to how you actually process data, not copied from another web site or a template.
Employee Privacy Notice
Employees are data subjects too and a privacy notice should be made available to all employees. This can be when they first start or, as part of the company handbook, if you have one. The notice will set out clearly how you will process employee data and how long it will be retained after employment ends. Again, the notice will also show how your business applies data protection principles.
This is a legal requirement no matter how many or few employees you have. Our Notice Authoring Service will be written for you and will relate to how you actually process data, not copied from another web site or a template.
Job Applicant Privacy Notice
Successful job applicants will be covered in the employee privacy notice but unsuccessful ones are not. Therefore, you must state when you begin to gather their data what you will do with it. This includes research and for what purposes the data will be used. Once unsuccessful, their data doesn’t need to be retained. However, you must state how long you will keep it and that it will be destroyed in a secure manner. Just because your didn’t choose to employ them doesn’t mean you are absolved of your duty of care in relation to their data.
If you would like to know more you can get in touch via our contact form here or call us on. 03333 22 1011.