28 Nov 2020 | ISO

ISO 27701 Readiness Assessment

Howard Freeman

Howard Freeman

Getting ready for an ISO 27701 certification with our readiness assessment, the new standard for Privacy Information Management

ISO/IEC 27701 is the new international “gold standard” for privacy management. It is the companion standard for ISO 27001, the world-renowned standard for information security.

ISO 27701 enables organisations to demonstrate compliance with all applicable privacy regulations. This includes the GDPR and the 2018 Data Protection Act.

Our ISO/IEC 27701 4-stage process will prepare your business for its certification assessment.

1. ISO/IEC 27701 gap analysis: 

We begin the ISO 27701 readiness assessment with a gap analysis exercise. This will therefore highlight the areas where any change is required. Any required change might be process-based or perhaps require a minor update. Whichever it is, work is required in order to successfully certify.

2. ISO 27701 readiness roadmap: 

Following our ISO 27701 gap analysis, we can generate a straightforward action plan that details every step. The roadmap sets out clearly the work required to get you where you need to be.

You can choose to employ our support for any stage of the ISO 27701 compliance roadmap.

3. ISO 27701 simulated assessment: 

At an agreed date, we will conduct an ISO 27701 assessment which is a simulation with the official certification exercise. You can consider it a mock exam if you remember those from your school days.

This will give you a strong indication of whether your organisation is ready for the real ISO 27701 assessment. This assessment will red flag any issues that will prevent you from achieving the certification.

4. ISO 27701 final preparation: 

If required, we can work with you to modify any issues raised during your assessment. We will then prepare your business for its ISO 27701 certification visit from the accreditation body.

Next Steps

So, are you working on ISO 27701 at the moment? Is the project slowing down or perhaps it has stopped? Do you need help? Call us today on 03333 22 1011. Or book a call to discuss your progress here.

Perhaps you are considering the ISO standards. As the end of the EU transition period fast approaches, can ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 help you in overseas markets? Brexit won’t change the fact that you have achieved an internationally recognised standard.


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