3 Feb 2020 | Articles, GDPR

Business as usual for the GDPR following Brexit

Howard Freeman

Howard Freeman

Data Protection and Brexit

The U.K. Information Commissioner’s Office said it is “business as usual for data protection”. The EU General Data Protection Regulation will continue to apply as the United Kingdom has now left the European Union. A Brexit transition has now begun, running through to the end of December 2020.

The European Parliament last week to ratify the Brexit deal. “It is not yet known what the data protection landscape will look like at the end of the transition period and we recognise that businesses and organisations will have concerns about the flow of personal data in future,” an ICO statement reads. They added that the office will monitor and update guidance as needed.

It is important for business to take data protection seriously. We often ask clients how they would feel about having to tell their clients that there data has been lost. None of them would enjoy the experience. Therefore, don’t become compliant because you have to, become complaint because you want to protect your customers and prospects.

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