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The source

Welcome to our blog, The Source.

Welcome to our blog, The Source.

I know that business compliance can sometimes be overwhelming and I want to help you find your way to being and staying complaint.

THS SOURCE is a place for you to access and find out about the latest topics and insights that could  impact your compliance for GDPR, ISO, Cyber Security and PCI DSS.

Howard Freeman

Tories fined for Breach of the PECR

The Conservative party has been fined £10,000 for a breach of the PECR, the ICO announced today. The fine is for sending 51 marketing emails to people who did not want to receive them. The fine follows an ICO investigation relating to emails sent from the Conservative...

GDPR – 3 Years and counting

The 25th May 2018 saw the GDPR become enforced in law. But what exactly changed and where are we now? The flurry of emails demanding your consent to this that and the other have now ended thankfully. Businesses have now realised that consent is not the only way to...

ISO or not ISO? Now that is the question!

The International Standard for Organisation develop and publish standards and has as its members 165 national standards bodies. Commonly known as the ISO derived from the Geek word 'isos', meaning equal. However, when is ISO not ISO and how can you tell the...