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The source

Welcome to our blog, The Source.

Welcome to our blog, The Source.

I know that business compliance can sometimes be overwhelming and I want to help you find your way to being and staying complaint.

THS SOURCE is a place for you to access and find out about the latest topics and insights that could  impact your compliance for GDPR, ISO, Cyber Security and PCI DSS.

Howard Freeman

A Letter From the ICO

Many businesses have now received a letter from the ICO asking for a registration fee of £40 or £60. We are being asked all the time whether or not the letter is genuine and whether a business needs to pay. Every organisation or sole trader who processes personal...

Post-Brexit Data Protection

The Brexit transition period ended on 31st December 2020. UK organisations that process personal data must now comply with the following laws: The DPA (Data Protection Act) 2018 and UK GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) if they process only domestic...

Data Subject Rights and the GDPR

The EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) gives individuals eight rights relating to their personal data. Organisations must let individuals know how they can exercise these rights and meet requests promptly. Failure to do so is a breach of the GDPR....

GDPR and Encryption

Pseudonymisation and encryption are the only technological measures specifically mentioned in the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). But what exactly is meant by ‘pseudonymisation’ and ‘encryption’? Are these measures mandatory? More importantly, how can...

GDPR Processing Lawful Bases

The EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) states that you need to identify a lawful basis before processing personal data. But, what is a lawful basis for processing? Do you always need individuals’ consent to process their data? And what is meant by the term...

ISO 27001 and GDPR Compliance

Anyone struggling with the EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) should look no further than ISO 27001. It’s the international standard for information security. The ISO 27001 framework is close enough to the Regulation’s that many experts consider it a perfect...