21 Jan 2021 | Cyber Security

The NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit for Care Homes

Howard Freeman

Howard Freeman

NHS DSP Toolkit

The NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit, or as it is generally referred to, the DSP Toolkit, is for users in the care home sector. These care homes have signed up with NHSmail or have upgraded their existing account to NHSmail.

Preparing your care home for the DSP Toolkit certification requires a great deal of time and effort. Such work diverts resources away from where they are needed. For example, we recently discussed the amount of work required with a nursing home in Surrey. The entry level work took seven full days and was unpopular with all those involved.

The next level allows the care home to take part in Coordinate My Care (CMC). This is the full level of the DSP Toolkit and means that standards have been met. In order to achieve this, all the mandatory questions must have been answered. Evidence to support the answers provided must be prepared by the care home.

Finally, if you want to complete the entire DSP Toolkit, this is the enhanced level. This is time consuming but demonstrates your total commitment to data protection. This level might even help you on your journey to Cyber Essentials certification or ISO 27001 accreditation.

We have created three unique packs to help you deliver compliance to the DSP Toolkit. We are not a consultancy that just tells you what to do. No, we will prepare the required documentation for you too. This is our service offering to help you achieve the data protection standards you need. Therefore there will be no need to take staff from the front line.

Entry Level DSP Pack

Delivery of the first set of mandatory questions to achieve the Entry level across all 10 sections of the toolkit. We will create a full document and evidence pack. We don’t use templates, we will write this especially for you.

Achieving this level means you will have access to an NHS email address bringing secure email to your business.

Full Level DSP Pack

Delivery of the remaining mandatory questions to achieve Full level and allow your care home to take part in Coordinate My Care. You will be able to prove that your business has met the data security standards required by the NHS. Therefore, this allows you to access patient records so you can provide a better service and save time for your staff.

Enhanced DSP Pack

Delivering all of the remaining questions to achieve an enhanced level and allow your care home to demonstrate that you are committed to total data protection. All areas of the DSP Toolkit are addressed and documents produced to allow you to evidence this. Therefore, you can prove your commitment to data security.

Want to know more?

Please do get in touch by calling us on 0333 22 1011, or you can book a DSP Toolkit initial call here or contact us via the form here.


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