17 Feb 2020 | GDPR

GDPR DSAR Support Service

Howard Freeman

Howard Freeman


This service is a cost-effective way for data controllers to accommodate DSAR’s (Data Subject Access Requests) and comply with Article 15 of the EU GDPR.

Accommodating DSARs

The EU GDPR requires you to respond quickly and effectively, to be precise, 30 days to requests from individuals about their personal data. These requests, known as DSARs (data subject access requests) must be processed without charge.

DSAR’s are often a substantial administrative burden and relate to an individual. Hence they must all be treated individually. Therefore, our service provides an answer to the multiple challenges to address within a short timeframe:

  • Recognising the receipt of a DSAR and acknowledging tooth requestor
  • We will verify the identity of the requester. Sometimes requests are made on behalf of others, such as through a solicitor In this situation, you must ensure the third party making the request is authorised to act on behalf of the individual.
  • Is the request valid? If so, what information will be provided.
  • Reviewing information and redacting data relating to third parties where consent is unavailable.

GDPR DSAR Support Service

We will support you throughout this complex process with our GDPR DSAR Support Service. Our team of experienced data privacy experts and DPOs (data protection officers) will own the process. Therefore, we will ensure all requests are completed in accordance with the GDPR. This involves:

  • Reviewing and assessing the nature and validity of the DSAR;
  • Verifying the individual’s identity;
  • Locating the data. Consequently we will liaise with the appropriate person or department to acquire all the personal information relating to the individual;
  • Information screening is where we will obtain consent from third-party individuals where their personal information is contained within the search results. Where it is unobtainable we will apply redactions and exemptions;
  • Formally disclosing the information to the individual; and
  • Documenting the facts relating to the DSARs.

Our support bundles are available as follows:

DSAR Support BundlesHoursHourly RateAnnual Fee


Can we help?