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The source

Welcome to our blog, The Source.

Welcome to our blog, The Source.

I know that business compliance can sometimes be overwhelming and I want to help you find your way to being and staying complaint.

THS SOURCE is a place for you to access and find out about the latest topics and insights that could  impact your compliance for GDPR, ISO, Cyber Security and PCI DSS.

Howard Freeman

GDPR Risk Assessments

Your business is required to comply with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Therefore you are obliged to conduct regular GDPR risk assessments. This isn’t just because the Regulation says that you should. Risk assessments are essential for...

DPIA (Data Protection Impact Assessment)

DPIA (data protection impact assessment) is a type of risk assessment designed to identify the risks affecting the security of personal data. A DPIA will help you understand the likely consequences of processing such data. Understanding what a DPIA is is all part...

Data Protection by Design and BY Default

Data protection by design and default is nothing new. But, while privacy by design was good practice under the Data Protection Act of 1998, data protection by design and by default are legal requirements of Article 25 of the GDPR. Here’s how data protection by design...

Personal Data and Sensitive Data

Do you know the difference? The GDPR includes a sub-category of sensitive personal data that comes with its own requirements. The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) has been in force for some time. So, no doubt you are familiar with the term ‘personal...

What is an Information Security Policy?

It is well known that your people are the weakest part of your business security defences. You can spend a great deal of time designing processes to protect your business. You can then invest in state-of-the-art technology to detect threats. However, these will only...