10 May 2018 | GDPR

Requirements of the GDPR

Howard Freeman

Howard Freeman

The EU GDPR introduces the Accountability Principle.

This states that the data controller is responsible for, and must be able to demonstrate compliance with, all of the requirements of the GDPR (including the principles of Lawfulness and Transparency, Purpose Limitation, Minimisation, Accuracy, Storage Limitation, Integrity and Confidentiality, Transfers, and Data Subject Rights). It is crucial therefore that as the data controller you are able to provide evidence to support compliance with this principle.

We are a services delivery business focused primarily on the GDPR. We also can deliver Cyber Essentials, PECR and guidance on the DPA 2018. We work with clients who are either beginning their compliance journey or are looking for support to progress their compliance roll out. We offer support for their ongoing maintenance of their compliance and data breach monitoring to help continue the journey.

Introduction to GDPR Compliance

The GDPR Compliance Consultancy works with you to discover how GDPR will impact your business. We therefore help you begin the journey of learning, from which a plan can be formed to help towards compliance.

Data Discovery

The GDPR Compliance Consultancy works with you to identify all the data within your business. As a result of this we are then able to begin the process of identifying the risks and understanding data flows.

Data Impact Assessment (DIA)

The GDPR Compliance Consultancy works with you to identify the risks your data possesses to your business. Risks are based on the types of data identified. From this a plan can be formulated that focuses on the most at risk data first.

Data Flow Mapping

The GDPR Compliance Consultancy works with clients to identify and help document how data flows through the business. Doing this provides transparency of data flows and informs the steps needed to comply fully

Policies and Procedures

The GDPR Compliance Consultancy works with you to provide GDPR compliant documentation and polices that inform both data subjects about their rights but also employees. Through training employees are well placed to help support your GDPR deployment

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

The GDPR Compliance Consultancy offers advice and support to identify the needs required with regards to a DPO. We can provide you a DPO as a service whether you are a public body or not. We can be the ‘responsible person’.

Dark Web Scanning Service

Are you credentials on the Dark Web. Let’s be honest, not many of us know how to even access the Dark Web so it will be difficult to establish what is out there and what is not. We can help you find out if your domain, email or other credentials have been compromised.

Click here to take a closer look at the services we offer.


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