30 May 2018 | GDPR

Why use a Specialist GDPR Practice?

Howard Freeman

Howard Freeman

Keep calm and prepare for GDPR

Get the peace of mind that you’ve got everything covered with our GDPR Practice. There may be no need to employ your own staff to look after your data protection issues relating to the GDPR.

The business benefits of getting your data protection right reduces risk. Therefore this gives you confidence that you have achieved and will maintain your compliance.

Our team understand the challenges that small and medium sized businesses face in becoming compliant. We can help you to achieve an appropriate balance between the needs of your business and the requirements of the GDPR.

Our team provides a service to allow you to ‘upgrade’ from the Data Protection Act 1998 without having to start from the beginning.

We don’t just supply you with a service to meet compliance regulations. The team will work to identify working practices that will help you improve your security and data practices.

Remain calm, you’re in safe hands with our GDPR Practice

We take care of everything and will provide you with a full set of policies and procedures to help you. You will have all the information you need to know what activities need to be recorded.

You can select which services you want so any work you have already started doesn’t go to waste. Feel free to call us anytime and there are no daft questions.

We will provide a quick, efficient and cost-effective service.

Find out more about us here.


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