Our Blog
The source
Welcome to our blog, The Source.
I know that business compliance can sometimes be overwhelming and I want to help you find your way to being and staying complaint.
THS SOURCE is a place for you to access and find out about the latest topics and insights that could impact your compliance for GDPR, ISO, Cyber Security and PCI DSS.
Howard Freeman
ISO 27001 implementation for small businesses – fast!
Small businesses are increasingly understanding the importance of ISO 27001, the international information security standard. However, many struggle to find the resources needed to commit to an implementation project of this type. Our team of experts will have you...
Happy third Birthday
For many new businesses, celebrating a happy third birthday is a key milestone. However, reaching three years is not easy to achieve. This week we celebrated our third birthday and we had the opportunity to sit and discuss what we did well and also what we did wrong....
Accountants! When was the last time you reviewed your GDPR?
Accountants are very good with numbers as we all know and appreciate. However, is your data management up to the required standard? Was it within the last year. Did you cary out a thorough audit? Have you actually achieved compliance? Accountants! When was the last...
What is the most secure way to transmit data?
Safe information transfer is a must for modern organisations, but not all secure data transmission methods are equal. Here we explore the options available to you. A significant issue facing businesses is implementing secure data transmission methods when sending and...
GDPR Compliance Checklist
1. Obtain board-level support and put accountability measures in place 2. Plan your GDPR compliance project and its scope 3. Conduct a data inventory and data flow audit 4. Undertake a comprehensive risk assessment 5. Carry out a detailed gap analysis 6. Develop...
A Letter From the ICO
Many businesses have now received a letter from the ICO asking for a registration fee of £40 or £60. We are being asked all the time whether or not the letter is genuine and whether a business needs to pay. Every organisation or sole trader who processes personal...