

The GDPR Accountability Checklist

Take the test Ask yourself the following questions We take responsibility for complying with the UK GDPR, at the highest management level and throughout our organisation. We keep evidence of the steps we take to comply with the UK GDPR. We put in place appropriate...

Cabinet Office Fined for Serious Data Breach

Howard Freeman - November 2021 A 'complete disaster' is how the publication of the home addresses of recipients of awards in the 2020 New Years Honours List has been labelled Iain Duncan-Smith, called for an urgent inquiry into the incident. He also warned of legal...

Pub apps demanding too much customer data unnecessarily

Pub and restaurant chain apps are requiring such data as gender and marital status. This is raising eyebrows among privacy campaigners and industry analysts alike. The Information Commissioner’s Office warned that many pubs and restaurants were asking customers for...

GDPR and Data Retention

Data Protection Law has changed in the United Kingdom as we have now left the European Union. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires organisations to create a GDPR and data retention policy's schedule. Its purpose is to help them manage the way they...

Parliamentary committee to scrutinise Online Safety Bill

A so-called 'super committee' has been formed to scritinise the governments harm online strategy and approach. This committee will be made up of MP's and Lords. This new committee is now seeking input from the public about their views on the legislation. The...

Is New York the next City to enforce Data Protection?

New York Consumer Privacy Bill is to be Reintroduced On 13th May 2021, New York State Senator Kevin Thomas, the Chair of New York’s Consumer Protection Committee, reintroduced the New York Privacy Act (“NYPA”). The act is designed to be a comprehensive consumer...

Practice Hub Data Breach

A story from last month that Practice Hub, an online service for Chiropractors and other practices, was breached. Details emerged in May about a serious incident involving the Practice Hub data breach. We have been working to find out exactly what has happened and...

GDPR Compliance is only ever a phone call away

BACKGROUND GFHR Consulting is as an Independent HR Consultancy based in South East England. Founded by Gemma Farina in 2010, Gemma and her team of HR experts have helped hundreds of small and medium sized organisations with their HR issues, requests and...

Tories fined for Breach of the PECR

The Conservative party has been fined £10,000 for a breach of the PECR, the ICO announced today. The fine is for sending 51 marketing emails to people who did not want to receive them. The fine follows an ICO investigation relating to emails sent from the Conservative...

GDPR – 3 Years and counting

The 25th May 2018 saw the GDPR become enforced in law. But what exactly changed and where are we now? The flurry of emails demanding your consent to this that and the other have now ended thankfully. Businesses have now realised that consent is not the only way to...

ISO or not ISO? Now that is the question!

The International Standard for Organisation develop and publish standards and has as its members 165 national standards bodies. Commonly known as the ISO derived from the Geek word 'isos', meaning equal. However, when is ISO not ISO and how can you tell the...

What does Cyber Essentials Cost?

Cyber Essentials is one of the most cost-effective ways to boost your organisation’s information security. But, what does Cyber Essentials cost? Designed to help organisations address common weaknesses Designed to help organisations address common weaknesses, it can...

ISO 27001 implementation for small businesses – fast!

Small businesses are increasingly understanding the importance of ISO 27001, the international information security standard. However, many struggle to find the resources needed to commit to an implementation project of this type. Our team of experts will have you...

Happy third Birthday

For many new businesses, celebrating a happy third birthday is a key milestone. However, reaching three years is not easy to achieve. This week we celebrated our third birthday and we had the opportunity to sit and discuss what we did well and also what we did wrong....

What is the most secure way to transmit data?

Safe information transfer is a must for modern organisations, but not all secure data transmission methods are equal. Here we explore the options available to you. A significant issue facing businesses is implementing secure data transmission methods when sending and...

Data Subject Rights and the GDPR

The EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) gives individuals eight rights relating to their personal data. Organisations must let individuals know how they can exercise these rights and meet requests promptly. Failure to do so is a breach of the GDPR....